What is Organic Education?

The Organic Dream for Every Child: A sound, accomplished body, a sympathetic, intelligent mind, and a sweet, sincere spirit.

Learning involves the entire organism.
Education is life, growth! Therefore the school program should be life-giving to the body, mind, and spirit – the complete organism.

What is Organic Education?

In 1907, Marietta Johnson established the Organic School of Education, a groundbreaking institution that challenged conventional teaching methods. As a pioneer in progressive education, Ms. Johnson drew inspiration from a diverse range of thinkers, including contemporaries Rudolf Steiner, Marie Montessori, child development theorist Nathaniel Oppenheim, social critic Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and educational reformers Friedrich Froebel and John Dewey. She synthesized these influences to develop her own distinctive educational philosophy she titled “organic education”.

At the Organic School, we believe that education should align with the natural stages of a child’s growth.

We believe childhood should be viewed as its own stage and not merely preparation for adulthood.

Dedicated to respecting our students’ interests and fostering their innate desire to learn. Our organic education views each child as a unique individual, rejecting the traditional model of adults as all-knowing authorities and children as passive recipients of knowledge.

Cooperation and individual effort are valued over competition and standardized testing.

External standards tend to foster self-consciousness which is why there are no tests or grades given at the Organic School. Each child is simply expected to attend class and put forth his or her very best effort.

We offer a flexible learning environment free from rigid schedules and external pressures.

We believe students progress at their own pace, and delay formal academics until age eight or nine to avoid disrupting the natural development of their nervous systems.

Educational experiences need to engage the five senses.

Our curriculum is patterned around the organic education philosophy of teaching which views children as organisms needing stimulation of all the senses.

Why choose organic education?

We cultivate a holistic approach that nurtures personal growth, creativity, and a lifelong connection to learning, fostering well-rounded individuals equipped to thrive in a complex world.

We believe in promoting critical thinking, artistic expression, and respect for individual differences. We encourage students to connect fully with their environment and embrace discovery in every moment.

Stages of Life

Basic to the concept of organic education is the assumption that children are born to learn, that they want to learn, and that it is the job of educators to facilitate this by being aware of each child’s progression through the stages of development.

Pre-K & Kindergarten

Early Life

Traditionally known as preschool and Kindergarten, we use the name Early Life to denote the development of the younger years. These years are foundational and incredibly important in how the child’s brain and emotional intelligence develops.

1st & 2nd grade

First Life

Our First Life classes are composed of 1st and 2nd grade aged children. When children are in combined age classrooms, the learning expounds and more is gained in emotional and social development.

3rd & 4th grade

Second Life

As our brains develop we transition from concrete thinking to more abstract concepts, usually between ages 8 and 9, when students typically enter 3rd and 4th grade.

5th – 8th grades

Third & Fourth Life

Third Life is generally ages 10 and 11, and Fourth Life typically falls with ages 12 and 13. Both these tracks offers deeper learning and immersive experiences at a pace that prepares students for the challenges in middle school and beyond.